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As minhas publicações

"Crowdsourcing applied to Journalism: The Case of P3" 

"The Internet has become a means of communication with amazing advantages for journalism. Several media professionals have come to take advantage of a medium in which several individuals, with Internet access, manifest themselves, sharing a variety of contents. One such strategy is known as crowdsourcing, a form of a public contest which invites the audience to participate more actively and directly in the information process (...)".​

This publication of my authorship is entirely based on my internship report, carried out within the scope of my Master in Communication Sciences at FLUP. It not only mentions my internship experience, but also the research topic that followed, specifically focused on the ways in which Crowdsourcing can currently be applied to 21st century journalism.


This is the annual magazine of the University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro (UTAD) whose periodicity is cancelled, focusing on the institution's outstanding events during the period of time to which it refers.

My main involvement in this publication was proofreading the text, as well as its translation into English. For more information about this institution's annual journals, click HERE.  


(PT) - Final Fantasy: Uma breve análise do Produto 

(...) In this essay, firstly, we will make a brief review about the origin of this franchise during the 80s. Then, an analysis of the life cycle of this product will be made (from its introduction in the sales market until the beginning of its decline), as a series of games were released into the markets. In order to ascertain the success of the first game, a SWOT Analysis will be carried out on that game, taking into account its characteristics and the context of the gaming market at the time. We will also refer in this work to a BCG analysis (from the Boston Consulting Group) prepared for this product, taking into account a hypothetical exercise, positioning it in one of the four quadrants of the matrix. The company behind this game series, at that time called Square Co. Ltd, will also be addressed in this work with regard to some of its adopted strategies aimed at promoting this product: we will address not only some growth strategies, but also campaigns that were adopted at certain times by Square in order to promote the products before and after its release (...)


Keywords: Final Fantasy, Squaresoft, Square Enix, videogames, marketing, communication, franchise.

(PT) - Conteúdos abordados num jornal regional: o caso do “Notícias de Vila Real” 

The present case study will focus on the local newspaper “Notícias de Vila Real”, based in the city of Vila Real and whose news coverage is focused not only on this city, but also on other regions located in this Trás-os-Montes district. In this study, the “Region” section was selected, with the aim of understanding, in the news in this section, what kind of coverage was given to other places in the region, in addition to Vila Real. A descriptive approach was made supported by the editions of this newspaper, from January to March 2014. Data analysis was performed using Laurence Bardin's (2009) content analysis method.

Keywords: Local and regional journalism; Notícias de Vila Real; Proximity.

(PT) - Análise do Editorial de Moda “PlayGround” da Revista Elle 

Fashion magazines are widely used as a powerful communication tool for this industry. Fashion can be seen as a production and communication system that introduces changes in behavior and appearance, according to the culture and ideals of a time. The photos in fashion magazines have a persuasive power in the man-image relationship and the meanings of the images are one of the important elements in communication. The objective of this work is to analyze the semiotic elements present in the photos of one of the fashion editorials of Elle magazine. All the photos included in this editorial were selected and we concluded that the photos influence the reader, awakening in him an intense "desire" that leads him to "consume" this image, derived from the desire to be in the universe captured by the camera, or even, by the will to to own something that is in the picture.

Keywords: Fashion; Elle Magazine; Fashion Editorial; Fashion Photography.

(PT) - Um escândalo e a sua influência na imagem de uma figura pública: O caso de O. J. Simpson 

Currently, the media scandal is one of the events that is most exploited by the media. But in scandals involving public figures, what results can these types of events have on the person's image? With this work we intend to analyze the image of the famous former American football player O. J. Simpson after his involvement in the double homicide scandal that victimized his ex-wife and a friend of hers. Magazine covers will be analyzed with the figure of O. J. Simpson highlighted; magazines that were launched before, during and after the scandal in question. We will examine the image of the former athlete in the North American media before and after his controversial trial.


Palavaras-Chave: O. J. Simpson, scandal, media, murder, celebrity magazines.

You can read more articles in my Academia page here.

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